Thursday, June 21, 2012

the one where i talk about bow hunting and Bethany.

at EFY, i was in a little group called OPERATION BOW HUNT.
aka the sickest organized group in the world.
the deal was, if you saw a fellow operation bow hunt member, you threw up the signal.
here's a picture of our leader, Ryan, demonstrating the signal:

i was the ONLY GIRL involved with operation bow hunt. and that made me feel pretty dang special.
hey, wanna know a secret guys? 
whenever i threw up the signal i felt like Katniss from The Hunger Games.
so basically i looked like this the whole entire week.
or at least i pretended i looked like this.
let's be honest here though. i totally looked like that.
good times.


last night i had a sleepover with my best friend Bethany.
she is the silliest of the silly.
the cutest of the cute.
and the best of the best.
here's a picture of us all fancy-like:

and here's a picture of what we usually look like:
(me being overly excited and bethany being like "gabby you're weird...")

oh well. that's just what best friend's do.
Bethany, for those who don't know her, is basically my other half.
we have the SAME SENSE OF HUMOR, which is crazy cause my sense of humor is weeeird.
she's just one of those people that gets me.
and those kinds of people are very hard to find.
definitely sisters.

back to the sleepover:
then after going through & finding all the PG-13 thriller movies on netflix, and deciding which one to watch, we were like "oh wait scary movies are scary...let's watch Psych instead."
so then we watched Psych.
and fell asleep at like 12:30.
we are so successful.
this is how our sleepovers usually go.
but what can we do? we're not hyper 13 year olds anymore.
we need our SLEEP.
(beauty sleep, to be exact..)

a lot of other funny things happened last night.
being chased by a Hindu lady when we were trying to look at the Hindu temple.
looking up way too many cat videos.
becoming cultured. (thanks Sister Poll♥)
and not to MENTION all the ice cream we ate...

bow hunting is good.
best friends are great.
and life is amazing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the one where i talk about inspiration and friends.

i was on pinterest today (surprise) and found the greatest pictures ever.
they're all kind of random, but each of them made me stop and think for a second.
i decided that i should share them with you, 
just in case one of them makes YOU stop and think for a second.
cause thinking is a great thing to do, and everyone should do it at least a couple times a day.
so here you go.

 such a profound way of saying "keep moving forward." (name that movie)

I LOVE THIS, wanna know why?
cause I'M little.
and sometimes i think that cause i'm little, it makes me less of a person. 
(pun kind of intended)
but it DOESN'T. 
i can still be fierce.

i want to meet someone that makes me happy.

don't sweat the small stuff.

not sure why i was born yet, but i will someday.

well there. i hope you all enjoyed my mini photo party as much as i did.
cause i enjoyed it a lot.


next thing on my mind?
i have like a million of the most amazing friends ever.
they're spread all through out the world.
some are younger than me.
some are my age.
some are older than me.
some aren't even ALIVE anymore.
and some i haven't even met yet.
what i consider a friend is someone who has changed my life in some way.
someone who has taught me something that i wouldn't have learned by myself,
or shown me something that i wouldn't have experienced on my own.
know what that means? 
all of YOU are my friends.
and so, to all my friends out there in the world, i dedicate this song to you.
my goal for life (besides being happy) is to always be there for someone if they need me.
so here's my official decree of friendship to EVERYONE IN THE WORLD.
if you need me, i will try my hardest to be there for you.
rats. sappiness.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

the one where i talk about family, confidence, and my cooking abilities.

there are 3 specific things on my mind today.
1) family.
2) confidence.
3) how great of a cook i am.

FIRST OFF, FAMILY. i have a great one. 
i saw these two pictures on pinterest earlier this fine day, and it made my heart smile & ache.
smile because i was like "wow good thing i have the best family ever."
ache because 2 parts of my family live on the moon.
or utah.
.....same difference.

CAMI is the first of my far-away sisters. 
we're both short and have brown hair and hilarious so i think that's why we're so close.
here's me being cute and cami being weird

here's cami being mean and beating me up

here's us loving each other.

my other far away sister is ALLIE. she's my bestbestbest friend. we're really different, but that's what makes us so compatible. i put up with her crazy stuff & she puts up with my weird stuff. it's a great deal.
here's a picture of allie from a long time ago cause there were none of us on the computer (not okay allie..) and i was too lazy to get one from facebook. heheheh whoops.

conclusion: family is fantastic. mine is EXTRA fantastic.
see? we're adorable.

item of business number two:
i was listening to this amazing song called Gold by Owl City, and i realized it's one of my happy songs.
happy songs, for those who don't know, are songs that make you happy no matter what kind of mood you're in. they ALWAYS make you feel good. 
and this one? total confidence booster/happy song. 
listen, love, and be happy.

item of business number three:
okay, so i'm not really sure if cooking is the right term to use here.
today i made myself a delicious lunch of italian pasta.
here's a picture of it:
and best part of this whole thing?
i made the whole entire box of noodles, so i can eat this delicious meal for like 3 more days.
even though i may not be the best cook in the world, i can make pasta. and according to the food pyramid:
grains and vegetables are the two most important types of food to eat.
and guess what? i had a glass of milk with my lunch.
that means i had a meal with the 3 most important types of foods.

i'm so healthy.

Monday, June 18, 2012

the one where i talk about efy and maxi skirts.

so for all you non-mormons out there, efy is a little thing called Especially For Youth. 
it's where kids 14-18 get to go to a college campus, stay there for a week, and learn about our church, what we stand for, and how to be a better person at life. it's amazing in the most amazing of ways. 
it's like a spiritual boot camp that's not like a boot camp at all. 
so i guess it's actually just a week long spiritual love session.

at EFY, you get put into company's, or groups that you spend a lot of time with. this year, i was SO blessed to have the best company of ALL TIME.
our name was TO & FRO (H2O)
here's a picture of us looking classy:
and here's a picture of some of us looking adorable:
and here's a picture of us in our truest forms (aka weird):
i just loved this group.

at efy, i also met/strengthened previously formed friendships with a bajillion other people, not all of which i can put on this here blog. 
(that's what facebook is for) 
but here are a few:

Bethany Kline & Samantha Frei. my Tshirt Swag Crew sistahs. man, i love absolutely everything about these girls with all my heart.

Spencer Baker. what a jumpy kid. (his words, not mine.) but seriously though. so nice, so adorable, so funny. just an overall fantastic human being.

Taft Jones & Sam Halterman. both such classy, classy men.

Evan Coutu. SUCH A HILARIOUS KID. you know how sometimes you just click with people, and you randomly become best friends in less than a week? yep, that's Evan & I. such a nice kid, and an amazing parkourist. heheheh.

Simeon Toronto. this little nugget has been my best friend for over 2 years. which is a really big feat seeing as how i'm pretty much psycho crazy half the time. he's loving, forgiving, handsome, and hilarious. a real catch.

Nick Macfarlane. couldn't ask for a better big brother than him.

it's just an overview. there are so many people i want to include but GUYS. i don't think you know how much work that would be. 
and yes, my face was literally like this- :D - the whole entire week. SO WHAT. i'm a happy person. (see previous post)
efy? best week of my summer.


but here's the scoop guys. so i wore my maxi skirt to church on sunday. it's one of the reaaallly comfy ones from target, that's made out of yoga pants material.
it is so. comfy.
one thing you all should know about me is that i am l-a-z-y.
know what that spells?

comfortable clothes 
lazy gabby 
staying in yoga skirt all day, sleeping in it, and then wearing it all day today. 

don't worry guys.. i switched out of my uncomfy semi-cute top that i wore to church, and changed into my BYU basketball/jimmer sweatshirt.
some would say i'm a really classy person.

i DID have to change out of it though, because i was hanging out with some of my Andover friends. (andover friends are the best type of friends a girl could have.)
but don't worry guys (i say that a lot), as soon as i came home i changed right back into the little sucker. 
and i just realized something.
i have an addiction.
to my maxi skirt.
i guess a maxi skirt addiction is better than an alcohol or drug addiction. but STILL. i don't know what to do.
actually, i know EXACTLY what to do. 
i'm gonna wear my beautiful, comfortable maxi skirt all summer long.
good thing i have 3, and am planning to buy more at target this week.
or else my obsession could get gross.
cute boy of the day:
john krasinski. he's cute AND funny. 
what more can a girl ask for?
not much more. that's what.

one last thing:
i was on pinterest today (yes, i pin) and i saw this picture. 
and it was kind of scary to me how accurate to my life it was. 
so obviously i'm sharing it with you guys.

maybe THIS is why my life is so weird.
but that's just one theory.
there are soo many more to come.

the one where i explain my blog name & how i came to have said blog.


dear readers (if there are any of you out there),

my name is Gabriella Bonita Heroux. Gabby, for short. 

Gabby means talkative. if any of you know me, you know that this describes me PERFECTLY.

My middle name, Bonita, means beautiful in Spanish. i promise i'm not being narcissistic or anything. that's actually my middle name. & I'm not telling you this so you all know i'm pretty or beautiful or whatever. i'm telling you this because i LOVE beautiful things. i am also a firm believer that you can find beauty in absolutely everyone. whether it's this cute little nugget:
or this guy:
i think it's fascinating how so many little things can all work together to make one human being. 
and why yes, i DID get an A in biology. 
go Ms. Burras. 
go beauty.

My last name, Heroux is spelled almost the same as the French word for happy, Heureux. and let me tell you something. i LOVELOVELOVE being happy. i love making other people happy, i love seeing other people be happy, and i just love being happy. 
SO THERE YAH GO, my blog name explanation. 

A few days ago at efy (mormon camp) i got this note:
"if you were a book you'd be Harry Potter. you have a lot to say but it's all so entertaining!"


A lot of people tell me I talk a lot. And I do talk a lot, I'll be the first to admit that. But being told that everything i say is ENTERTAINING? that is just gold to me. This little note (written by the greatest of all people, Sam) got me thinking. I don't even say HALF the things i'm thinking. "but how is that possible?" you all are probably thinking. "she talks so much, she probably says every single thing that randomly pops into her brain." but here's the thing guys: I HAVE A QUICK BRAIN. the people around me are only hearing approximately 1/7th of everything i'm actually thinking. and previously, i used facebook/twitter to get out most of what else i was thinking. but my brain just keeps getting quicker & quicker and people just keep getting more annoyed & even MORE annoyed with my constant posts. and then an idea popped into my head: MAKE A BLOG. you love reading them, you don't have to worry about if people are actually listening or just pretending, and you get to talk about WHATEVER YOU WANT. so there it is boys and girls. the story of how i got a blog.